
Jews and Gun Control

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Here are a whole bunch of articles to screen shot or download for your collection.
Jewish Attorney General of New Jersey Matthew Platkin proposes ammunition database and controls–encouraged by Jewish lobbyist Ari Freilich, state policy director at the Jewish Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence:
How Shannon Watts and Her (Bloomberg’s) Everytown Cohorts Are Gearing Up for the Midterm Elections
Disney’s Jewish CEO Bob Iger: Those of Us in Positions to Influence Laws, Shape Culture ‘Have an Extra Responsibility’ to Push Gun Control:
Jewish Surgeon Joseph V. Sakran: Doctors Have an Obligation to Work to Outlaw Guns That Liquefy Organs and Explode Bones:
After Using Unconstitutional Powers to Stop Evictions, CDC Director Sets Her Sights on Guns:
Jewish Lawyer Jonathan Lowy spearheads new pressure group under the Foreign Agents Registration Act to generate “litigation and other pressure and activity from the ’international community’ to ban guns.":
Biden’s 2022 Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, an aggressive gun banner Jew Steve Dettelbach:
How to Persuade Americans to Give Up Their Guns
The author, Atlantic Editor David Frum, also lied about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq:
Jews and Jewish organizations lead the gun control campaign
YouTube Demonetizing Gun Videos
Bloomberg’s Gun Control Apparatus Lies to Virginia’s Gun Owners in Election Mailing “…But no one should be surprised. Bloomberg and Everytown have a well-established history of bending or ignoring the truth, one even the legacy media cannot always ignore.”
Trump’s Chabadnik daughter is doing the legwork to promote “…take the guns first, then do due process second” gun laws
Everytown’s Finances: “Recently the [IRS] rule was changed so that non-profits could submit their Schedule B without identifying information. This provides some transparency but without allowing the Twitter mobs to target big donors. So Everytown raised a record 67 million dollars in 2018, according to their Form 990. According to the Schedule B, 39 million of that was raised from one donor. I think we can all guess who that is. But even Mike Bloomberg has friends. They raised 4 million more dollars in million dollar donations.”
Jewish Attorney Fieger Hopes Oxford School Shooting Lawsuit Leads To Gun Control
He also filed a lawsuit for the FAKE Columbine Shooting and represented Jack "Dr. Death" Kevorkian:
Former Governor of VIRGINIA was the mentor of Philip Jones and endorsed him for the mayor. Philip Jones started on January 1 2023, 5 days later on January 6th they launched another "Strong" Sponsored hoax. Pay attention to the players behind the scene in Virginia, it’s completely taken over by Jews and their military servants. There have been so many hoaxes out of Virginia. I’m working on something for the Newport News FAKE retarded shooting on Jan 6th 2023.
Bloomberg’s Everytown Buys Ads to Push for Universal Background Checks

“Everytown [for Gun Safety] senior political adviser Charlie Kelly commented: ‘[Texas is] clearly emerging as a top battleground state — there’s just no question about it — and it’s why we’re investing $8 million in the state this cycle. Between the investment and our network of 400,000 grassroots supporters, our goal is to do whatever it takes to elect gun sense candidates up and down the ballot in the state.’
Bloomberg Buys Virginia: Legislature Flips Blue, Path Cleared for Gun Control Laws:
Who’s Really Behind March for Our Lives?
National Organizations With Anti-Gun Policies
Jewish Prof. Allan J. Lichtman, collaborator with Southern Poverty Law Center, calls for repeal of the Second Amendment
Tactical Rabbi Selling Shabbat Clothing For Armed Ultra-Orthodox Jews
Jews Disarm the Goyim But Arm Themselves


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