
Birth Control Poison 2016 - Birth Control Pills are making children Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual

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Birth Control Pills (synthetic estrogen) are causing children to be born Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual.

From 1938 to 1971, Diethylstilbestrol (DES) synthetic estrogen pills caused millions of children to be born Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual. Those synthetic estrogen pills were banned world wide in 1971 because of the many side effects.

From 1959 to 1978, Primodos synthetic estrogen pills caused millions of children to be born Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual. Those synthetic estrogen pills were banned world wide in 1978 because of the many side effects.

Birth Control Pills (1960 to present) are currently causing millions of children to be born Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual. Birth Control Pills contain the same chemical ingredients as DES pills and Primodos pills!


Soy is also Synthetic Estrogen and it's put in almost all food products in the USA.

In 1999 Daniel Sheehan worked for the FDA as a world expert on Synthetic Estrogen. He warned the FDA about Soy but they ignored him.

Daniel Sheehan, PhD, retired senior toxicologist at the US Food and Drug Administration's National Center for Toxicological Research and Director of Estrogen Base Program, stated

"Infants fed soy-based formulas have been placed at risk in a "large, uncontrolled and basically unmonitored human infant experiment"

"Our conclusions are that no dose is without risk; the extent of risk is simply a function of dose"

"Development is recognized as the most sensitive life stage for estrogen toxicity because of the indisputable evidence of a very wide variety of frank malformations and serious functional deficits in experimental animals and humans"

"In the human population DES exposure stands as a prime example of adverse estrogenic effects during development"

"Potency and dose differences between DES and the soy isoflavones do not provide any assurance that the soy protein isoflavones per se will be without adverse effects"

"Furthermore, we need to be concerned about transplacental passage of isoflavones as the DES case has shown us that estrogens can pass the placenta"

"During pregnancy in humans, isoflavones per se could be a risk factor for abnormal brain and reproductive tract development"


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