
Khazar language in Ukrainian toponyms and in Bulgar(ian), Avar and Hunnic titles

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very deeply researched etymological proof that the nazis(ashkenazis) came from ’Khazaria’, and are the dreaded ’Huns’ of the Eastern West and the dreaded ’Cossacks’ of the Western East. this is an expose’ of quite possibly the most deeply falsified history in all of history. a critical, very small timeframe in history. this is the Mercurians. the MERCenaries, the MERChants, the most MERCurial, the MERCers, and the worshippers of MERCury- the God of commerce, travel, and thievery. --- God’s Word tells us that when He gifts us with the Truth, it is not so that we don the cloak of maliciousness. He also teaches us not to judge a man by his riches or poverty, but to judge a man by his righteousness. since Jesus Christ, we are in the age of individual salvation- not by blood decendancy. do not become a railer, nor a hater. remember and keep the 2 great commandments, from which all of The Law and The Prophets hang= LOVE God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. and love your neighbor, as you love yourself. all of the Law and the Prophets are contained in these two. what you do with this information is for you to decide. choose righteously. ---- this comes from and there are other very deeply researched etymological and historical researches on this subject to be found there. be wise and do not become a child of Cain, as they are. the children of cain’s deaths shall be avenged sevenfold. this means that they have been preserved for a reason. and of course, the vast majority of them are just as deceived (even a great deal moreso) as our peoplegroups are. please by wise when given a great gift of Truth. --- The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler - --- The Invention of the Jewish Peope by Shlomo Sand-


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