
More CoronaHoax nonsense

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Seems like people are acting nuttier as the fearporn on the MSM networks and Supposed Alternative Media Ramp up. Public gatherings are done away with, Schools have shut down and now there's talk of possible curfews in certain areas.

If all this keeps up the way it's going, The powers that shouldn't be will try to enact a full on state of Martial Law and suspended the US constitution. If this happens I feel that they will shutdown the internet in the name of public safety, go after lawfully owned guns, Force Vaccinate people, and quarantine dissidents in camps and tell the public they died from the Virus.

Also isn't it weird how there's no Mass Shootings all of a sudden? And Climate Change isn't really the focus right now? Up here the weather Normalized in December as if a switch has been turned off. It's like it's all hands on deck in favor of this CoronaHoax as they work hard to get the needed outcome.


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