
The Etymology of the Word Cretin - Christians Be Aware...

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this is why I no longer call myself a christian.

cretin (n.)
1779, from French crétin (18c.), from Alpine dialect crestin, "a dwarfed and deformed idiot" of a type formerly found in families in the Alpine lands, a condition caused by a congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones. The word is of uncertain origin. By many it has been identified with Vulgar Latin *christianus "a Christian," a generic term for "anyone," but often with a sense of "poor fellow." Related: Cretinism (1796).

Sorry everyone, my last video was removed from 153newsnet and now I am unable to upload anything here... I HATE censorship!
I am spending all my time on bitchute now... come see all the content I am uploading there... same username and avatar. Chow!


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