
Reszneki is so crazy he should be commited I don’t know why he is still on the loose.

Thanks for the kind words I appreciate that.

Thanks cheers.

This was a great laugh

Not true on the sign up. Cauae i tried, but told i cannot be admitted without credited content.

Silly distraction to the focus.

Not true, 1% of the "mass" population still has common sense. That’s why we are here.

Don’t discredit yourself with this trash. Think your great, but this not so great

We fund these morons

What bugs me most is the sinister music

Maybe they have a McDonald’s in the " ISS?" lol

@balding ogre no chemicals were used. just a bunch of rebels baiting the west into attacking syria. a chemical attack is severe and indiscriminate. magically only children were shown. probably to evoke sympathy. meanwhile that kid is alive and well


Aw Jeffy baby, is that why you’re here? To help entertain us all and take away that awful loneliness we suffer? What a kind guy you are, LOVE you Jeffy baby!

Research: Aircraft Pollution Implicated in Dangerous Ultraviolet Radiation Increase

Think of all the wars they staged and propaganda ,geoengineering . The end is very close stay alert.

They are attacking us with chemtrails and their propaganda .

Acting school

There are different paths to build a platform that only publishes TRUE events and TRUE stories. One of this is true censoring subjects/content/uploaders. Through a committee (as the path you chose) or through popular vote doesn’t really matter. While it’s obvious no one person can be the beholder of the truth, I don’t think a small portion of people can be either. On one hand you can’t be trusting anybody: the higher the traffic, the higher priority for the enemy 153 is going to become. It means anybody can (and will certainly) be bought/coerced into switching sides. On the other hand, as soon as you enforce a policy that wants exclusive true content, the enemy will use it to propagandize the idea the CEO of YouTube is right with the Eyespy, Hero, algorithms and all programs (artificial or human-based) that CENSORE contents on their platforms. This association of ideas (153=YouTube) is a powerful propaganda tool. Admittedly this is a very difficult subject where there’s no safe choice. There are 2 very easy examples of content that is FAKE and counterproductive: Flat Earth and Gematria, and it’s just examples of complete ABSOLUTE bullshit that fails in mathematics, observation AND common sense at the same time. What are you gonna do, censore the subject? No way, this means FAIL the mission of 153. Is the best approach the one of education of the uploader? Making them more responsible? More aware of what the consequences of BS theories published (counter-propaganda to smear us all)? I think this is the right path to take. INSIST upon the importance of putting things in PERSPECTIVE. One may genuinely be stupid or deceived when publishing BS theories and I think it’s better to force an open-minded approach in the content, which allows counter-arguments (instead of a 100% biased content on a particular subject) rather than a complete shut down on subjects chosen by the uploaders.

So were there chemicals used or not? The father said no chemicals but the interviewer was in that room with the chlorine and other chemicals. I’m so tired of this shit! Why can’t anyone report the truth?