
Excellent commentary GameTimeWoo

Is that girl supposed to be a student???? She must have been held back 8 times. There’s no way she is 18 years or younger. No way.

Fact of the day, CBS is run by National Amusements , Inc. This same corporation owned a majority of the theaters and cinemas in this country everybody goes to for the brainwashing. National Amusements is owned by a New and run by a Grand Rabbi . So keep that in mind when you watch CBS, it’s a National Amusement from the Jews.

I used to believe Cruz was just an ignorant dumbass but his involvement is pretty clear now.

Great vid.

Love your videos. Thank you. And yeah this makes no sense once again... you were trained for an active shooter, why in the flying feck would you leave the class room if it had a locking door. Ugh. They are getting sooooo sloppy. No real emotion from these kids either. So sick of these liars, but that you and 153news. You guys rock. Keep on doing what you do. I open at least one or two peoples eyes a week from the material here. Aloha

Nike associated with False Flags? Never. Perish the thought. LMAO

THANK YOU, Sizzorfite!

That gay blade "dad" has no kids. Never in my life ever heard a dad talk like that except on fake ass shows like modern fake family.


YEP -- it’s all about the Exits and Entrances. Right. 10-4.

Looks like they had a dress rehearsal for today’s hoax back on Feb.28th, 2018:

It’s enough to make Stephen Colbert, Ellen Degenerous, and Jimmy Kimmel cry. (when scripted to do so ofcourse).

What the hell is this bitch doing interviews with CNN hours after such a horrific event? This shit is getting old, real quick!

what about the parents of the shooter, where they live, etc nevermind the person allegedly shot in the head giving an interview hours later.

I want to suplex these reporters for their stupid scripted lines always leading the discussion to push more propaganda down the viewers throats. No psychological trauma whatsoever I have more trauma during an episode of indigestion from too much spicy food.

I agree with the orange ribbon wearing father when he says "I can’t get over that this is happening again."

Again, nobody sees the shooter. They are too busy running away. Good grief, these school shootings are getting old!

Parkland Jr

The CIA is getting overtime