
Oi mate..from the crime scene bullet holes in the wall from stray shoots..I loved the fact 14 S.W.A.T. officers in tactical gear climbed thru the shot out window and did not add more glass on the ground going in like 50 clowns out of a v.w. beatle or mini cooper instead of one going in and circling around and opening the main front door.I still love the fact that the supposed rooms that had mass murders in had no blood since there was none to clean up or no body bags removed as tv news/media would had fault like rabid dogs to get footage.This shit wasn’t even movie worthy.I’ve seen more blood at a KISS concert.Like Manhoaxster Arena blast damage,blood from wounded or dead.As for Mean Gene (The Pedo) Rosen had so many stories,each one got more and more bullshit..I’d like to see that cunt shoe horn 15 children plus her own arse cram into a 3’ x 4’ bathroom/toilet..Rock,you nail this shit everytime.Thank you.

oh he was thinking it.

(((Stern))) & (((Kimmel))) are stretching in their feigned attempts at gloating over Jones. The reason Jones is off-air is because after Mobil-Tranny-Porn-Document-Cam-Gate he is a liability to his handlers. They say it’s for harassing S.H. parents & for hatespeech but let’s get real: 153 is up, Side Thorn is free & Owen Benjamin Smith is still operational on YT. Now they’ll try to make a caricature of Jones; less successful will be their attempts to gloss-over Assange while likely tortured/murdered/Koshoggi’d

Dupe, Dupe, Dupe, Dupin deligh! Such a favorite

I think most of us have said some stupid things in the past we would never say again. First Amendment allows us to, at least, measure progress.

To bad we got these late night hacks that are bought off to the controllers! JC was the man! In those days they seem not take sides and slammed everybody! I seen Frank Zappa 2 times in 1973 and 1974 at 16 years old! I still have the ticket stubs!

2.23. Daddy puts up the arm in the back and does the ventriloquist work. I Have seen this kid at work before.

Wipe that poor kids mouth with toilet paper. He is talking shite!

HOLY FUCK, its the reincarnation/clone teen of Robbie Parker the facial mannerisms are unreal.

Thanks for the upload, your work always brings me laughs.🤣🤣🤣

Adam Green is the real deal

The most fun is school shooting. Interesting witnesses ... One happier than the other.

J G LMAO he deserves the goat thank you for the funny share pure gold. Cheers

Yes, he screwed up and look at the angry handler behind him.

Only one dead? perhaps school shootings just are not as interesting as Game of thrones. lol

The cop smiling before his character change is one for the record books of duping delight, as he is the highest ranking officer and knows the BOOSHIT being played.

So Nice how the Courts are involved. I always wondered as a kid Why Judges wore Black Robes, now I know why. We Need 153 Bumper Stickers, that or I’m tempted to write STEM is yet another Drill gone Live, go to for REAL Information. Something to that extent. Notice how NO ONE is Talking about this Event? I mean NO ONE, none of my friends, and certainly none of my family. WHY??? It’s so bizarre. Call Me off my ’site soon, my shop is right on Santa Fe, Englewood, We need to find other Truthers around us, I have many friends on the fence with all of this, they just need that Push to get them to see the whole Matrix.

Brother this entities involvement is a puzzle piece that is most interesting.

In the making of a shit cake many, ingredients must be used.

Yes definitely a handler. You got it.