
SHE’S BACK AGAIN! ( From the M.S.U. staged shooting)

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She’s back again, to get the guns.
Here’s the proof that she’s lying. Her story is fake, all for gun control.
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In a further report, it was said " Matthews has clarified that she was a sixth-grader at nearby Reed Intermediate School in Newtown when the Sandy Hook shootings occurred" and that....
Crouching for a prolonged period of time, (Murphy) ?, said she developed a PTSD fracture in her right lower back that continues to bother her “anytime I am in stressful situations or when anything occurs that’s aggressive like that."
We’re supposed to believe kids were forced to crouch down miles from the scene at a different school?
The reporter has completely discounted this very large "error", and there appears to be an effort to change her name from Mathews to Murphy, or is Murphy her real name?

“They’re just stacking up on top of each other now,” said Mark Barden, a Sandy Hook parent and an advocate for gun control.
In January 2013, Barden co-founded Sandy Hook Promise.

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