
Fountain of Children Eater.

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Fountain of Children Eater. Bern, Switzerland

Old ‘Jewish Encyclopedia’ = Rabbis carried out ‘Kidnappings of Goyim (NON-JEW) Children’ from ‘European Villages’ and used these in ‘Child Blood Ritual Sacrifice’ practices.

Talmudic Jewish Religion believes in Kidnapping Non-Jew Children to use in their ‘Child Sacrificial Rituals’ reverted to by the Rabbis after the death of Moses and promoted ‘Sin and Debauchery and Filth’ claiming a ‘JEWS Life is worth a 10 Times more than a Gentile…’

From ancient days of ‘Solomon Temple’ to this day = Many ‘Jewish people’ (per Jewish ‘Religious Encyclopedia’) adhere to their Rabbi written ‘Talmud’ advocating Jewish Superiority over the Goyim they use in their rituals of Human Sacrifice. These tortuous and murderous rituals are the primary reason Jews have been expelled at one time or another from nearly every country

JEWS often Kidnapped Children to hold People’s Lives Hostage when Loan Sharking usury was demanded from non-jews.


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