
7/7 Ripple Effect 3 - London Tube Bombings

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7/7 Ripple Effect 3
July 2019: An Updated & Expanded Version of 7/7 Ripple Effect
London Tube Bombings 7/7 2005.

7/7 Ripple Effect 3 - An Updated & Expanded Version of 7/7 Ripple Effect, July 2019
[MIRROR] from Muad'Dib
The Truth about the London bombings on July 7 2005.

Muad'Dib's expanded new third version of the acclaimed original 7/7 Ripple Effect. Released on 7/7 2019.

After being unlawfully jailed for 157 days based on trumped-up charges, and the BBC making a dedicated hit-piece on the original 7/7 Ripple Effect, the film-maker Muad'Dib expands upon the original film and has added over 60 minutes of new material connecting the dots of what most likely really did happen in London on July 7th 2005, when 3 tube-trains and a double-decker bus were exploded.

Watching this film should leave the viewer no doubt that the crimes and murder committed in London were done by other organizations than by claimed by the official and corporate media.


(This message is directed at all British territories, which, if not yet enduring all the extreme state oppression underway in the U.K., will come to experience this soon if nothing is done about putting a stop to it.)

Sick of being lied to by the propaganda machinery, robbed by the head of state and her functionaries, including the Inland Revenue?

Want to fight back and put an end to this incessant legislated theft from your pocket?

Tired of politicians' lies, living in a police-state, and being watched everywhere you go by CCTV cameras, and being prosecuted for victimless so-called/invented crimes, being fined/robbed and punished for harming no-one and thus really doing nothing wrong? Perhaps for possessing a weapon for self-defence, having harmed no-one.

Want to fight back against government tyranny, lies, abuse, theft and oppression? You CAN prove your innocence without relying on expensive lawyers, who are really only in it for the money and not for YOU.

Lost your driving license and/or been fined for victimless so-called traffic offences?

Would you like to defend and free yourself and others by putting an end to state daylight and highway robbery and the state terrorism that THEY* perpetrate (like 9-11, 7/7/2005** and the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes) and use to keep you afraid, intimidated, compliant and in line? Want to avoid being branded a criminal by the state? Be aware that any convictions against you could have serious repercussions if you ever need to find work.

If so, I will provide you with a bullet-proof (if used properly) defence that you can use in court (if THEY* don't immediately panic, get scared and drop all charges against you), in front of a jury of your peers, to clear yourself of all charges and bring down the evil system once and for all. Don't get mad, get determined!

You can download the challenge to the "Crown's Jurisdiction and Sovereignty" documentation for free at to study and start defending yourself with, and if you file that with the prosecution and court that may be enough to stop them. If THEY* do proceed against you, then you will need further documentation on how to fight them in court, to back-up and prove your challenge.

To obtain this further documentation, if it proves necessary, and advice on how to fight against the evil police-state, including all necessary video and photographic evidence needed to clear yourself of all victimless charges, please send a donation of £100 sterling. We are so confident, that it works, that we will give you your donation back if it doesn't.

How much tax do you pay? Constantly rising council tax bills and costs of living, with the ever-decreasing value/purchasing-power of the money in your pocket, cannot possibly be met by your pension.

How much will the motoring fine be? How much is your driving license worth to you? How much will it cost you in higher insurance premiums, if you are convicted of a victimless crime and/or lose your license?

THEY* tell you to swear on the Bible, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God. When they use lies and deceit to convict and steal from you. They are the spiritual wickedness in high places.

Threatened with court action, imprisonment? Worried you don't have a chance of beating the system? Well now you have that chance! Clear your name the only way possible. Gird your loins with TRUTH and put on the Breastplate of Righteousness and wield the Sword of the Spirit. Use God's Perfect Laws of Liberty against them.


Please send your donation, only in cash, with your name and address, to:-

c/o JAH Publications,
P.O. Box 561,
PMB 205,
(Via London, UK)


Dear reader,

I hope this finds you well, in good spirit and having a good day.

In the light of the recent revelation by Robert Verkaik, in The Independent newspaper of Thursday 21st May 2009 *, about the modus operandi of MI5 and the U.K. police, regarding the recruitment of young Muslims to infiltrate and report on other Muslims and Muslim groups, I have been asked to comment on how that might apply to the case of the alleged 7/7 bombers, and the government statements in the recent ISC report that has been furiously rejected as a whitewash, by the families of the 7/7 victims, according to the article by Gabriel Milland in the Daily Express of the previous day, Wednesday 20th May, 2009 **.

The ISC report states that Mohammed Siddique/Sidique Khan and Shazad/Shehzad Tanweer were known about, but were not considered to be a threat to the public. If they had both been recruited to work for MI5, then MI5 would obviously not consider them to be any threat, but rather to be an asset instead of a threat.

It has been suggested by ex-members of the intelligence services that Mohammed Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer could have been working for MI5, so this is not an unreasonable deduction to make, as it would explain what happened. The police also said that they did not fit the profile of suicide-bombers or terrorists. We have also been told that the mastermind behind the 7/7 bombings was Haroon Rashid Aswat, who is known to be a MI6 agent and is now in a maximum-security mental institution (to keep him from talking?).

It is possible that Mohammed Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer were actually working for MI5, as informants, in the Operation CREVICE fertilizer-bomb plot case that is referred to in the ISC report, and, if so, that would account for why they were known about, but not considered to be any threat. It would also explain how they could have easily been recruited to take part in the training-drill that was taking place on 7/7/2005, and easily have been duped into making those videos.

If this was what happened, then these assets became expendable assets. It should serve as a warning to all to be very careful about co-operating with elements of State intelligence services, who; from time to time; have helped to carry out false-flag attacks upon citizens for what they presumably and mistakenly perceive as "the greater good". You should all; including members of the intelligence services and the police; ask yourselves whether you find this acceptable and not keep burying your heads in the sand. Those who are not only thinking of their next pay-cheque, and little else, already see there is something terribly wrong with government and its organs and that something needs to be done about it. They have become your controllers instead of servants of you, the people (or is it sheople?).

In order to be a successful informant, one would have to pass off as an extremist or want-to-be terrorist. In doing so, elements within the intelligence services could easily begin to gather "evidence" about you, whilst they extract information about other people from you, and then frame you and use you as a patsy at a later time. Thus killing two (or more) birds with one stone, once they become fearful of how much you know, and/or they think it is time to further advance their agenda of total control and take away more of your God-given rights.

You do not need to succumb to blackmail and impersonate terrorists in order to do your duty as a citizen. That blackmail is being attempted upon people who have done nothing wrong, demonstrates that the Source for this idea/action is not God/good/Allah. And not very Brit-ish either. Or at least it wasn't once upon a time.

The British Government keeps on running away from the demand for an open and truly independent enquiry, and that strengthens the suspicion that it has something to hide. This state of denial; coupled with the low esteem in which the government and the whole political establishment is held, in the public's mind; provides a fertile ground for all kinds of hypotheses to be put forward, and be believed. The public believes that politicians lie; it now also is convinced that they cheat and deceive. It is, therefore, or should be, in the government's interest to apologise and confess that it does run covert operations, in pursuit of political aims. The whole saga of terrorism and counter terrorism may then be seen in a different perspective.

However, THEY*** are never going to do so voluntarily, as THEY will undoubtedly be afraid of going to prison, or worse. We therefore need to increase pressure on them to force their hand.

My film "7/7 Ripple Effect" was designed to do exactly that to them, if we can get the majority of the population to watch it.

Please keep making "Ripples" so that we achieve our objective as soon as possible, before THEY do it again.

I hope that this comment will be helpful to all concerned parties.

Peace be upon you and within you,




*** The Hierarchy Enslaving You.


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